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Results 41-60 of 97 for Mark N. Vena

MediaTek Ups Its Mobile Game With the Dimensity 9200 SoC

MediaTek's brand is often associated with affordable, budgeted, Android phones. However, the company has made incremental inroads into the more premium, high-performance models. The launch of the MediaTek Dimensity 9200 chipset is a potent step in that direction ...

Mozilla Releases Gift Guide With Privacy in Mind

Because tech companies are so concerned about privacy-related litigation with their products or services, they are inclined to write complex privacy documents that often protect their own interests at the expense of the consumer, added Mark N. Vena, president and principal analyst at SmartTech Research in San Jose, Calif...


3 Big Takeaways From AMD’s RDNA 3 Announcement

AMD, on Nov. 3 in Las Vegas, held a launch event to take the wrappers off its next-generation desktop graphics family. The event was a refreshingly brief but powerful overview of the innovation that AMD continues to bring to the graphics space ...

Mozilla Antes Up $35M To Save the Soul of High Tech

While Mozilla cites some lofty goals for its new venture, how it meets those goals may need closer scrutiny, maintained Mark N. Vena, president and principal analyst with SmartTech Research in San Jose, Calif "Laudable as this endeavor might be at a high level, I'm always skep...


Is the Matter Smart Home Initiative Finally Happening?

While watching the live stream of last week's formal announcement of the Matter smart home initiative, I couldn't resist recalling Samuel Becket's classic existentialist play, "Waiting for Godot," where two characters participate in several discussions and encounters while awaiting Godot, a proxy for God, who never arrives ...

Compelling Tech Products To Put on Your Holiday Shopping Radar

One of the joys of doing my work is getting exposed to scores of new and disruptive products. The Thanksgiving and December holidays are quickly approaching, so it’s the time of year when I'm fortunate enough to evaluate new tech products that merit attention. It's a tough job, but someone has got to do it ...


Infineon’s OktoberTech Event Zeroes In on Decarbonization, Digitalization

With the trouncing of the San Francisco 49ers by the Kansas City Chiefs on Sunday, it is fair to say that Infineon Technologies had a much better week than the Niners. After all, Infineon used Levi's Stadium, the 49ers' home, to host its annual OktoberTech event ...

Research Finds Potential Benefits for Pre-Teen Video Game Players

"I don't think there's any question that video gaming can influence the cognitive skills of some children, as it may help them become more responsive and attentive to certain topics," observed Mark N. Vena, president and principal analyst at SmartTech Research in San Jose, Calif...

Metaverse Maybe a Moneymaker for Enterprises by 2027

In five years, 40% of large organizations worldwide will be using a combination of Web3, AR cloud, and digital twins in metaverse projects aimed at increasing revenue, research and advisory firm Gartner predicted Monday at its IT symposium in Orlando, Fla ...


Schneider Electric Ups the Ante on Smart Energy Management

Significant scientific research recognizes that the climate over the past decades has influenced humans and animals. Reasonable people can debate, and should, about the severity effect level. But it's also rational to ask what the world can do to mitigate the impact of climate change in a pragmatic, cost-friendly and scalable manner ...


An EV Charger Installation Odyssey

For the last year, I've contemplated installing an electric vehicle (EV) charger in my multi-dwelling condo in San Jose. Mind you; I don't yet have an EV. But I have friends with EVs who frequently visit, so I figured it could be beneficial and convenient for others. Furthermore, I believe an EV charger couldn't hurt from a condo resale standpoint if I decide to move from the Golden State...


Amazon Astro Is Cute, Spunky, Not Quite Ready for Prime Time

I was fortunate to get a chance to spend some time with Amazon's new robotic sidekick, Astro, over the past week ...

Researchers Find Consumer Satisfaction Remains High for PCs and TVs

It's not surprising that overall consumer satisfaction with TVs is so high, added Mark N. Vena, president and principal analyst with SmartTechResearch in San Jose, Calif "For almost a decade, TVs with embedded 'smart' interfaces have been gaining in overall share, allowing use...

Upstart Search Engine Andi Delivers Answers, Not Lists

A search engine that delivers answers might appeal to older folks, too, noted Mark N. Vena, president and principal analyst at SmartTechResearch in San Jose, Calif "In general, users are beginning to get weary of Google's search algorithms as being biased, deterministic and se...

Apple Refreshes Product Lines, Introduces New Ultra Watch

"The Apple Watch has morphed into a digital-health wearable solution," Mark N. Vena, president and principal analyst at SmartTechResearch in San Jose, Calif., told TechNewsWorld The watch, as well as the new iPhones, also has a new crash-detection feature. When a crash is dete...

Cloud Gaming Poised for Takeoff

Mark N. Vena, president and principal analyst at SmartTechResearch in San Jose, Calif. agreed that conditions are becoming onerous for newbies to the market "It's difficult for companies who don't have a history in the gaming space to be seen as credible, since so many of the ...

Stat Firm Reports Less Than 1% of Subscribers Playing Netflix Games

"This report from Apptopia must be devastating to Netflix senior management," observed Mark N. Vena, president and principal analyst at SmartTechResearch in San Jose, Calif "It confirms what many industry experts have long suspected: gamers do not see the Netflix brand as even...

Home Security Market Thriving Despite Dread of False Alarms

While agreeing that better analytics will help eliminate false alerts, Mark N. Vena, president and principal analyst at SmartTechResearch in San Jose, Calif. maintained that AI will ultimately do the best job of mitigating false alerts. "It will allow cameras to 'learn' about a homeowner's specific environment," he explained...

Study Finds Sports Is King Among Livestreamers

"Netflix is grasping at straws. Its brand isn't built around livestreaming," added Mark N. Vena, president and principal analyst at SmartTechResearch in San Jose, Calif "I think many of the mistakes Netflix is making are self-inflected wounds," he told TechNewsWorld. "Livestre...

Amazon Puts High-Tech Spin on Play Dates With Kiddie Video-Calling Device

Glow is an unusual videoconferencing solution, noted Mark N. Vena, president and principal analyst at SmartTechResearch, a technology advisory firm in San Jose, Calif "Unlike other video conferencing solutions, its dual-screen capability has a built-in screen for the remote ca...

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