
Microsoft last week launched its new Surface line, and elements of it better target Apple's weaknesses than any prior effort. Let's talk about the new Surface PC product that best showcases how Microsoft can compete with Apple. We'll close with the product of the week, the Surface Duo 2, which has ...

The iPad Mini was one of Apple's most important announcements at the new product event, maintained Tim Bajarin, president of Creative Strategies. "It uses the same chip that's in the iPhone 13, so they've given it incredible processing power," he told TechNewsWorld. "It's really a significant new u...

Last week at Lenovo Tech World 2021, the company announced a vision for a wearable solution that could not only transform how we work, but where we work. Let's talk about this new wave that Lenovo is driving. Then we'll close with my product of the week, the new ThinkReality A3 Smart Glasses

The next generation of iPhones expected to be launched in September will include support for satellite communication, according to numerous news reports based on a research note released by insightful Apple analyst Ming-Chi Kuo. He predicted in the note that Apple will include hardware in the iPhone...

Google went live earlier this summer with its new Core Web Vitals algorithm to determine search rankings. With the implementation of Core Web Vitals as a key component of its search algorithm, Google has made a well-considered decision to reward sites that perform the best and that have been specifi...

Apple on Monday revealed dozens of new features in the latest versions of its mobile and desktop operating systems at the kickoff of its annual Worldwide Developers Conference. "The emphasis of the whole presentation seemed to be making Apple products more useful for consumers," observed Gartner S...

Most businesses today that want an app have an app. But having one is not the entire process. The app maker and the business behind the mobile application still need to get it to actually work effectively. Because more people are using apps, many businesses are focusing on the bells and whistles to ...

ARM and x86 have been doing battle for the last decade. ARM tried to move into the server market and failed; Intel, which carries most of the x86 burden, tried to move on cellphones and failed. The battle for tablets is ongoing with ARM in the lead, and the battle for notebooks continues with Intel ...

Cybercriminals are deliberately targeting phones, tablets, and Chromebooks to increase their odds of finding a vulnerable entry point. The Financial Services Threat Report from Lookout disclosed that 20 percent of mobile banking customers had a trojanized app on their devices when trying to sign int...

More than 90 percent of U.S. users of the latest version of Apple's mobile operating system iOS 14.5 are taking advantage of a new feature to block an application's ability to track their activity on their phones. Worldwide, 88 percent of users shut down app tracking on their iPhones. This is bad ne...

From coin shortages and curbside operations to contactless transactions, how consumers pay for their purchases has been completely transformed during the pandemic. Marketers expect that transformation to continue and expand. It is not just family staples that are seeing a jump in consumer digital pa...

Globally, we throw out 50 million tons of electronics waste every year, which is the equivalent of 1,000 laptops every second. This month the EU addressed this problem with a comprehensive "right to repair" law to dramatically reduce this waste. Let's explore electrical hardware sustainability issue...

Apple's plan to release its App Tracking Transparency (ATT) privacy enhancement feature in early spring has set the ad industry on its ear. ATT requires apps to get a consumer's authorization before tracking them or the devices they are using. Ray Wang, principal analyst and founder at Constellation...

A new mobile processor announced by Qualcomm Technologies is expected to spawn a wave of economically priced 5G smartphones. Kedar Kondap, vice president for product management at Qualcomm maintained in a statement that the Snapdragon 480 5G Mobile Platform will exceed OEM and consumer expectations ...

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