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Results 21-40 of 70 for Jonathan Terrasi

AdGuard Home: Another Brick in the Ad-Blocking Wall

Canonical's AdGuard Home Ubuntu Appliance is a new addition to the ranks of its appliances. With this offering, users can quickly implement a ready-made solution for blocking bothersome content at the network level on a home network. Doing so involves no more than downloading, installing, and booting the newly released lean Ubuntu image with the AdGuard Home service pre-installed and pre-configured...


The ‘Unix Way’

It probably shouldn't, but it routinely astonishes me how much we live on the Web. Even I find myself going entire boots without using anything but the Web browser. With such an emphasis on Web-based services, one can forget to appreciate the humble operating system. ...


Digital Security Is as Easy as PGP

Average computer users would be forgiven for not having any idea what PGP is. There is so much going on below the surface of the modern computing experience that even critically important security tools like PGP are tucked away. ...


The Case Against Full-Disk Encryption

Like with any industry, the information security industry, more commonly referred to as "cybersecurity," for all its raging debates, has rallied around a small corpus of best practices ...

DHS Brings Web App to Coronavirus Fight

Never, in most of our lifetimes, have all corners of society collaborated to address a single grave threat as they have done in the fight against COVID-19. While epidemiological controls compose the first line of defense, technology is growing into a supporting role. So great is the potential for technology to help combat the pandemic that tools are being contributed even from unlikely places...

The Strange, Meandering Journey to Online Speech Regulation

There has been a lot of debate in the public sphere around the degree and kind of legal regulation a society should apply to online speech. While the dialogue has become more intense and urgent in the last few years, the effort to impose limits on Internet speech has been contentious from the start. At the present juncture, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act is undergoing reconsideration...


Back to the RSS Future

As someone with a nominal presence in the media, I try to stay aware of peoples' attitudes toward it. One common refrain is that, for understandable reasons, people feel worn down by the volume and composition of the media coming at them. ...

How to Stay Safe on the Internet, Part 4: Fighting the Power

By this, the fourth and final entry in this series, you should have a grasp of information security basics. Let's take stock of them before continuing down the rabbit hole ...

How to Stay Safe on the Internet, Part 3: Drive the Black Hatters Mad

If you've followed this series on information security so far (Part 1 and Part 2), you should have a feel for which points in the communication process leave you exposed, and what kinds of tools cover them. ...

How to Stay Safe on the Internet, Part 2: Take Canaries Into the Data Mine

The preface to this security guide series, Part 1, outlines the basic elements that comprise a threat model, and offers guidance on creating your own. After evaluating the asset and adversary expressions of the threat model equation, you likely will have determined the danger level of your adversary -- and by extension, the caliber of its tools. ...

How to Stay Safe on the Internet, Part 1

At this point, remarking that people now are more concerned about online privacy than ever before is not a novel observation. What's fascinating, though, is that interest in personal digital security has remained high since the issue exploded about seven years ago. In other words, instead of experiencing a short-lived spike, digital privacy awareness has been sustained...

Our roundtable participants were Laura DiDio, principal at ITIC; Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group; Ed Moyle, partner at SecurityCurve; Denis Pombriant, managing principal at the Beagle Research Group; and Jonathan Terrasi, a tech journalist who focuses on computer security, encryption, open source, politics and current affairs...

The Two Faces of Open Source: ECT News Roundtable, Episode 5

Participants in the discussion were Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group; Ed Moyle, partner at SecurityCurve; Denis Pombriant, managing principal at the Beagle Research Group; and Jonathan Terrasi, a tech journalist who focuses on computer security, encryption, open source, politics and current affairs...

From Personal to Planetary: ECT News Roundtable, Episode 4

Roundtable participants contributing to the conversation were Laura DiDio, principal at ITIC; Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group; Ed Moyle, partner at SecurityCurve; Denis Pombriant, managing principal at the Beagle Research Group; and Jonathan Terrasi, a tech journalist who focuses on computer security, encryption, open source, politics and current affairs...

Taking part in the conversation were Laura DiDio, principal at ITIC; Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group; Ed Moyle, partner at SecurityCurve; Denis Pombriant, managing principal at the Beagle Research Group; and Jonathan Terrasi, a tech journalist who focuses on computer security, encryption, open source, politics and current affairs...

Business/Customer Sweet Spots: ECT News Roundtable, Episode 2

Contributors to the conversation were Laura DiDio, principal at ITIC; Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group; Ed Moyle, partner at SecurityCurve; Denis Pombriant, managing principal at the Beagle Research Group; and Jonathan Terrasi, a tech journalist who focuses on computer security, encryption, open source, politics, and current affairs...

Tech Strides, Tech Worries and Tech Visions: ECT News Roundtable, Episode 1

On deck are Laura DiDio, principal at ITIC; Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group; Ed Moyle, partner at SecurityCurve; Denis Pombriant, managing principal at the Beagle Research Group; and Jonathan Terrasi, a tech journalist who focuses on computer security, encryption, open source, politics and current affairs...


You’ve Come a Long Way, Linux-Baby

When Linux first emerged from its cocoon in a frenzied Usenet thread, it is doubtful that almost anyone imagined the project would ascend to global prominence. ...

The Router’s Obstacle-Strewn Route to Home IoT Security

It is newly minted conventional wisdom that not a single information security conference goes by without a presentation about the abysmal state of Internet of Things security. While this is a boon for researchers looking to make a name for themselves, this sorry state of affairs is definitely not beneficial for anyone who owns a connected device ...


Digging for Bitcoin Is a Labor of Love

It would have been reasonable for those attending Josh Bressers' session at last month'sCypherCon -- myself included -- to expect a presentation by a cryptocurrency expert. It was billed as a talk about plumbing the depths of the bitcoin blockchain. When Bressers admitted that his material grew out of a hobby, I was surprised. Still, the talk was far from disappointing.

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